Ableton 11 - New Features Review with added Tips & Tricks!

'Ableton 11 New Features Review!' 'OGV Music Academy'

Tutor Dan explores some of the new features in Ableton 11 & offers some tips & advice on using these new features!

⭐ Comping: Organise audio loops or take into separate lanes and you can take the best parts from each clip or recording into a new take or version.

⭐ Velocities: You can now grab the handle much easier by clicking on the line next to the dot. A cool new feature is randomising the velocities in MIDI to give your rhythms and patterns more feel and movement.

⭐ Scales: A new feature is the ability to work in a specific Key and the software to highlight the notes in the key so you can create harmonies and play the notes in the correct key. This is a great feature for those whose Music Theory knowledge is quite basic and it can help you discover new and interesting keys to work in.

Join Dan de Lissandri at the OGV Music Academy, teaching DJ & Music Production. From entry levels for beginners, right through to more advanced classes. With extensive teaching experience through DJSchoolUK & Pirate Studios, combined with a wealth of DJ & Production knowledge, Dan is here to help you take your DJing & Production knowledge to the next level.


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